Who is krisha ?

Krisha Baker Chiropractic and EMS Swiss Dolorclast Radial Shockwave Therapy.

Hi and welcome to the website. If you’ve clicked on this page then you’re probably interested in learning a little more about who you will be working with and I don’t blame you one bit, in fact I think it’s a jolly sensible thing to want to know.

I am Krisha Baker, an experienced, GCC registered McTimoney chiropractor, since 2005. Like many people I didn’t have much of an idea about what chiropractic was until I needed help myself. At the time I was working in an overworked, understaffed and underappreciated office job. I was burnt out and a total stress bunny. Too many hours at a computer screen with too few breaks and posture changes led to almost continual cervicogenic headaches which meant I had neither the inclinatination, nor the motivation to make the most of my out of work hours. At the time I didn’t realise the cause of these headaches and tried numerous different treatment modalities from conventional medicine to crystal healing so desperate was I to get some relief. It was whilst trying reflexology that my practitioner told me that she was detecting concerns with my neck and suggested that although she was happy to continue working with me I might like to try something more directed at that area. So that was how I came to experience McTimoney chiropractic. After a good couple of years of pretty much continual headaches, 3 treatments later and I was able to function properly again. At this point I realised that if I didn’t want to end up in a repetitive cycle something else in my life would have to change, so at the age of 27 I enrolled at the McTimoney College of Chiropractic in Abingdon, Oxon and spent the next 5 years studying towards a BSc (Hons) degree in Human Chiropractic. Although I qualified in 2005 I, like many others in this field, have never stopped learning and am continually adding to what I am able to offer my patients. I believe that the muscular and skeletal systems work closely together and as such will often use hands on soft tissue releases alongside McTimoney chiropractic and other techniques.

In 2008 as a geriatric (bit miffed to be labelled geriatric at the age of 37! ) mother I welcomed to the world my first baby in a wonderfully empowering homebirth. Despite the shock to the system that comes with joining the club called parenthood we did it all again and just before I turned 40 became mum to the little whirlwind that is my son. It was the experience of my first pregnancy that turned me into a bit of a birth junkie and my passion for working with expectant and new mums was born (excuse the pun). I have since trained with The Pelvic Partnership, Gail Tulley of Spinning Babies, Liz Koch, Jeanne Ohm, Elisabeth Davidson and others to be able to offer added skills to this particular subset of patients.

So that’s me as a practitioner but what about Krisha the person ? Here’s a few random facts to give you a window onto that particular parade !

  • I spent a large part of my childhood growing up overseas due to my father’s job.

  • From the age of 10, during school term time I was a full boarder at a boarding school in Kent.

  • I am one of 4 siblings but whilst I was born in England they all got to have exotic places on their birth certificates. They however, all have very English names. I love nothing better than a very noisy get together with them all.

  • I eloped to the island of Oahu when getting married. It’s true what they say about Hawaii. Once you’ve been you will long to get back.

  • I love a good musical at the theatre.

  • My favourite food is Thai and I’m always open to recommendations for a good restaurant.

  • I have experienced both ends of the maternity spectrum from the blissful hands off home, hypnobirthing, waterbirth of my eldest to my highly managed second pregnancy and c-section under a general anaesthetic as a result of placenta praevia.

  • My favourite book is “To Kill a Mockingbird” from which also comes my favourite quote from the ever wise Atticus Finch “ You never understand a person until you consider things from his point of view…….until you climb into his skin and walk around in it.”

That’s enough about me though. I want to know about you and how I may be able to help. Call now or book online if you think that we may be able to work together. I look forward to meeting you.