What is Chiropractic ?

Chiropractic is a primary healthcare profession with the emphasis on the spine, neurological, muscular and skeletal systems, how these integrate and conditions affecting them.

There are many, many different forms of chiropractic. The technique I use is named after it’s developer John McTimoney and accounts for about 1/4 of the profession in the UK. In contrast to popular perception of chiropractic the light, fast and precise nature of McTimoney chiropractic adjustments make the treatment comfortable and often relaxing to receive. It’s gentle nature makes it suitable for people of all ages from babies to the elderly to pregnant women. That’s not to say that if you have an area of complaint that it may not be a little tender during or following treatment but this is generally very low level and short lived.

During a treatment session (90 mins for the first and 45 mins per session after that) you may receive spinal and peripheral joint adjustments and mobilisations, soft tissue treatment and advice on exercise, self-help, and lifestyle where appropriate. I may also give exercises to help maintain treatment effects and to recondition or stretch some of the muscles contributing to your presenting complaint. Each treatment session will address you from top to toe as on occasion you may be compensating for areas of tension or reduced mobility to the degree that you don’t realise that they are even present.

What can chiropractic help ?

Research evidence is available to support the use of chiropractic in cases of :

  • Back pain, mechanical neck pain and shoulder pain.

  • Muscle aches and spasms

  • Sciatica

  • Headaches arising from neck problems (cervicogenic)

  • Migraine and migraine prevention

  • Shoulder complaints (dysfunction, disorders and pain). Soft tissue disorders of the shoulder

  • Rotator cuff injuries, disease or disorders

  • Pain, discomfort and stiffness in joints

  • Minor sports injuries

  • Plantar fasciitis

  • Elbow pain and tennis elbow (lateral epicondylitis) arising from associated musculoskeletal conditions of the back and neck

  • Inability to relax

If you are unsure about whether chiropractic will help your complaint why not call to ask about a FREE 30 minute no obligation chat and spine check?